Connected Technology = Risk!
Similar to Operational Technology (OT), Cybersecurity within Electric Vehicle Charging Stations appears to
an afterthought. In the case with OT, the technology was long considered to be so proprietary as to be
low on the hackers list of targets, maybe even immune. As it turns out, OT was recognized as fertile
ground for successful attacks.
Current environments for the EV charging stations follow the view previously held by OT in that systems are
proprietary in nature and less susceptible or less of a targeted asset. However, as has been discovered,
hackers view the EV charges as the land of opportunity, the same as any unsecured, connected (IoT) devivce.
Every connected device plays a role as an inroad to the rest of the network. Some of the flaws exploited by
hackers include unsecured ports and protocols such as http and SSH.
Let Digital Assurance help your organization stand out from the crowd in a
positive light and not be identified as an easy target. The reward for
the effort includes reduced risk to yourself and others, availability
of Cyber Insurance or favorable premiums, and trust from business partners.
Learn more about your Security Advisors who are ready to help you ...
Thomas Schleppenbach
Brian Kunick